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What if Your CRM Was Custom-Built for Construction Firms?

Find out why one of the nation’s most successful construction companies switched from Salesforce to Unanet.


Discover the power of an intelligent system that understands construction from the inside out

Committing to change is never easy, but leaders at Swinerton knew that using multiple disparate systems was preventing the firm from reaching its potential. Customizing their former CRM to the industry was costly, and low user adoption meant their investments were yielding little value. Swinerton knew that it needed better metrics and insights to keep growing, and Unanet CRM by Cosential was the solution that allowed them to manage their most important resource — relationships.

What Benefits Has Swinerton Seen Since Implementing Unanet CRM by Cosential?

  • A jump from 10 to 80% user adoption

    their people find Unanet intuitive

  • Better collaboration

    no more duplicative effort for pursuits involving common clients

  • Elevated visibility

    the executive team can now make more informed decisions

  • Automation

    manual data entry and error-prone processes are a thing of the past

  • Better business planning

    short- and long-term forecasting have been strengthened 


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